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Taming the Bachelor (Moretti Novels, #1)

Taming the Bachelor (Moretti Novels, #1) - M.J. Carnal The story was interesting. I liked the fact that the bad boy who will never settles meets the right girl that changes all that. BUT.... the whole thing with going behind Sophie's back to surprise her by inviting her sister to LA for a whole week before asking her to marry him. Having the sister pick out the engagement ring and the house they will live in. And the sister inviting herself to live with them. Then because he never shared it with anyone he is shocked that Sophie believes he is cheating on her. He lies and says he has a busy week at work, but when calling his office his secretary says he's out for the week. Way to go. He knows how her Ex cheated on her and he is shocked that she is upset. How he can't be with someone who doesn't trust him. mmmmm....LOL his actions provoked this mistrust. Then she is the one begging for forgiveness. Did he not even think why it all looked wrong? Usually a couple would pick the ring and pick the house their going to live in. Not the sister. What an IDIOT!!!!